Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Cherry(Sakura) blossom snacks | 花見にぴったりなオヤツ

Today we are making Cherry(Sakura) blossom snacks.

These snacks are very easy and quick to make. They are perfect to enjoy while viewing Sakura blooming on a sunny and warm day!

Ingredients used for these snacks are:
cheese (the cheese I used for this sandwich is Gouda cheese, but any cheese is fine)

Steps to make it
1. Cut out the cheese with your favorite molds (I used heart and Sakura shaped molds)
2. On a barbecue stick, add the heart-shaped cheese.
3. Continue to add tomato, grapes, cucumber and finish by adding the Sakura shaped cheese.

Done! Please enjoy your Sakura blooming snacks and please enjoy the beautiful Sakura blooming pictures taken on a beautiful and warm day! Please feel free to leave a comment!

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